How To Add An Admin To a Facebook Group


Facebook groups are a great way to connect with people who share your interests, and they offer a variety of features that can be customized to fit your needs.

One of the most important roles in a Facebook group is that of the admin. The admin has control over many aspects of the group, including adding and removing members, setting permissions, and managing the discussion board.

If you are an administrator for a Facebook group and would like to add another member as an administrator of a group, this article will show you how to add an admin to a Facebook group.

Let’s get started.

How to add an admin to a Facebook group

Once a Facebook group reaches a certain size, it can become necessary to add administrators to help manage the group so that things don’t get out of hand.

You may also need to add a new admin to a group if you’ve given the group up or you’re selling the group and it isn’t linked to a Facebook page (linked Facebook pages have admin rights as well, so you would only need to add the new owner to the Facebook page).

In order to add an admin to a Facebook group, follow these steps:

  • Open Facebook and log into your account.
  • From the menu on the left, click “Groups” (If you can’t see “Groups”, click “See more”).
  • Select the group that you want to add an admin to (you need to already have admin privileges in order to add a new admin).
  • From the tabs at the top, select “Members”.
  • Under the “Admins & moderators” section, click the “Invite Admins” button.
  • In the “Choose new admins” box, type in the name of the user you want to add as an admin. You can only add users that are already group members as an admin.
How To Add An Admin To a Facebook Group

How to add a moderator to your Facebook group

An administrator has full control over managing a group, this also means that they can remove you as an admin if they so wish (unless you’re the group creator). If you want help managing a group, but don’t want to hand over full control, adding a member as a moderator is a safer option.

The process is quite similar to adding a new admin, this is how to add a moderator to your Facebook group:

  • Open Facebook and log into your account.
  • From the menu on the left, click “Groups” (If you can’t see “Groups”, click “See more”).
  • Select the group that you want to add a moderator to (you need to have admin privileges in order to add moderators).
  • From the tabs at the top, select “Members”.
  • Under the “Members” section at the top, type in the name of the user in the “Find a member” box.
  • In the “Search results” section, scroll to the user you want to add. To the right of their profile, click the three dots button to open a drop-down menu.
  • Now scroll down and click the “Add as moderator” button.
  • Lastly, click “Send invitation”. The user will then receive a notification for them to accept.

Can a Facebook group have no admins?

Yes, a Facebook group can have no admins. If all of the admins leave a group without removing all of the members first, then the Facebook group will be left without an admin.

Facebook will actively attempt to recruit a new administrator for the group if this happens. This means that Facebook will ask members or moderators if they want to take over as an admin of the captainless group.

If no one takes over, after a period of time the Facebook group will be archived, meaning it will no longer be visible in search results (if the privacy settings allow it in the first place) and a member may eventually resurrect it.

How to become an admin of a Facebook group without admins

Facebook wants Groups to have admins, they are there to provide some form of order after all, but when an admin leaves a group without appointing a new one, the group is left without an admin and it’s free for you to take control of.

A pre-requisite to becoming an admin of a Facebook group without admins is for you to be a member of the Facebook group in the first place.

This is how to claim administrator privileges on a Facebook group without admins:

  • Open Facebook and log into your account.
  • From the menu on the left, click “Groups” (If you can’t see “Groups”, click “See more”).
  • Now select the group that doesn’t have an admin.
  • From the tabs at the top, select “Members”.
  • Now under the “Admins & moderators” section, you should see the following message “This group doesn’t have any admins or moderators at the moment, but you can make yourself an admin.”
  • Click the “Become an admin” button below.
  • Click Confirm to become the Facebook group admin.

An easy way to add multiple admins and moderators is to like a Facebook page to a group.

When you link a Facebook page with a group, all of the Page admins, moderators, and editors are able to manage the group without needing to be added as admins or mods to the group individually.

You can then still manage these roles in each Page’s settings, or if you want to remove all of these new moderators, you can unlink the group at any time.

Whenever you add a new admin, moderator, or editor to your Facebook page, they will also automatically be able to manage the linked group. This is highly recommended if you’re running a group that is associated with a Facebook page.

To link a Facebook page with a group, follow these steps.

  • Open Facebook and log into your account.
  • From the menu on the left, click “Groups” (If you can’t see “Groups”, click “See more”).
  • Select the group that you want to link to a Facebook page (you need to have admin privileges in order to link a Facebook page).
  • In the menu on the left, scroll down and click “Group settings” (or click the badge icon at the top, if the left menu doesn’t change).
  • Then again in the menu on the left, scroll down and click “Settings”.
  • In the center of the screen, scroll down to the “Manage advanced settings” section at the bottom and select the pencil icon next to “Linked Pages”.
  • Click on the “Link” button next to the page you want to link with this group.

If you have a Facebook page that you want to link to a Facebook group that you are a part of, but you’re having difficulties, this can be due to a number of reasons.

One reason could be that your Facebook page is age-restricted. A Facebook group cannot be linked to a page if the Facebook page is age-restricted so you won’t have the option.

Another reason could be that you are not an admin of the group you want to link. Only group admins can link a Facebook page to a group. A group admin can link a Facebook page to a group even if they’re not an admin of the Facebook page, but not vice-versa.

In this case, ask an admin to link the page for you. You will have to make sure that the Facebook page is a member of the Facebook group though in order for an admin to link the group to that specific page.

Final thoughts on Facebook groups administration

Adding admins and moderators to your Facebook group is a great way to keep things organized and running smoothly. It’s easy to do, and all admins have the same rights as you (unless you’re the group creator) so make sure it’s someone you trust.

If you’re unsure about adding an admin to your Facebook group, it might be better to add a moderator instead. This way, they can keep everything together and monitor things but won’t have full control over the group.

And if you want to link your Facebook page with your group, that’s also really easy to do. Linking your Facebook page to a group will let all of your admins manage the group, so you won’t have to worry about adding them manually.

I hope you found this article helpful, and that you learned a little bit about how to add an admin to your Facebook group. Remember, adding the right people to the group is as important as creating it in the first place so keep that in mind as you pick administrators for your next Facebook group.

6 thoughts on “How To Add An Admin To a Facebook Group”

  1. I can’t find a solution to my Facebook Group Admin access.
    I created a Facebook group 6 yrs ago (MS Invincibles support group) and have been active as the admins of the group. All of a sudden when I access the group my admin functions are removed and no longer accessible to me. I can’t generate a post or add or change any content. What happened?

    Any advice how I resolved this problem?

    • Hi Chris,

      You seem to have paused your group. To resume it navigate to the group and look for the resume option.

      – Go to facebook(dot)com/groups and scroll to find the group.
      – You should see “Resume” below the cover photo, then click “Confirm.”

      That should solve the problem.


  2. The “Now under the “Admins & moderators” section, you should see the following message “This group doesn’t have any admins or moderators at the moment, but you can make yourself an admin.” section does not exist anymore, I have a group that has no Admin or Moderator, the options you told me are not working.

    • Hi Mark, if you add “/members” to the end of the groups URL, there you should find an admins and moderators section, if there are no admins, there will be a “Become Admin” button.

  3. “Under the “Admins & moderators” section, click the “Invite Admins” button.
    In the “Choose new admins” box, type in the name of the user you want to add as an admin. You can only add users that are already group members as an admin.”
    The creator admin of a group I’m in left the group. I tried adding a new admin but it won’t let me. It doesn’t have a “Admins & moderators” section. So there is no way to invite an admin. I contacted the original creator and he joined the group again but is unable to add himself back as the admin. Any thoughts?

    • Hey Robin, Facebook can be a pain sometimes with rolling out updates sporadically.
      You’re not an admin then I’m guessing?

      If you are though, then head to the people tab and click the 3 dots next to the name of someone you want to add as an admin, then select Invite as admin.

      If the group has no admins, then under the people tab you should have the option near the top that say “Become Admin”

      Hope this helps.



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